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Member since 2006-01-03
Has written 975 comments

Has received 583 applauds


Hi all my fellow poets,

Thank you for taking the time
to read and comment on my poetry.

I love poetry that makes you think,
but I tend to write from the heart
and some of my poetry does
have language because
i have been really angry at time of writing.

I love getting messages
and I try to reply to all, tho sometimes a little late.

my motto is
"always lend a smile
to a friend in need,
for you never know
when you'll need one of theirs."

Have a great day/night
and keep smiling :-)



liz munro

43 years old from Australia


Empathica Free (1) - 2020-01-15
Raven's Song[Co-Write With A.R.Glasgow] (1) - 2009-06-17
Warm Rain Of Life Corrupted (2) - 2009-06-17
Torturers Of Our Own Soul[Co-Write With A.R.Glasgow (6) - 2009-06-15
Smart Arse Ism[Co-Write With NicholasG] (2) - 2009-06-09
Reckless Spirit's Peace (2) - 2009-05-21
Jealousy Of A Tattered Book Ending Happy (1) - 2009-05-16
Love is Bliss (Trois-Par-Huit) (3) - 2009-03-21
WAR (7) - 2008-12-21
Picnic Of Empty Cuddles (co-write with Peter Arnold) (5) - 2007-11-14

MY TEXTS, Archive 636 Texts

Blind, Deaf - 2020-02-24
Love (1) - 2020-02-16
stormy heart (3) - 2020-02-15
Soul Earthquake(pantoum) (1) - 2020-02-13
Fate. - 2020-02-11
Subliminal(pantoum) - 2020-02-08
Unbetrayed (1) - 2020-02-06
until off this mortal coil(sonnet) - 2020-01-30
Until off this mortal coil - 2020-01-30
Insane(pantoum) - 2020-01-29
Washing Day(haiku) (1) - 2020-01-29
We’ll Face The Gates Of Despair Together (1) - 2020-01-27
Together - 2020-01-27
Gates of despair - 2020-01-27
Want to be free (3) - 2020-01-27
Mini Tornadoes. - 2020-01-25
Rainfall(haiku) (2) - 2020-01-24
Revolution Is Coming (1) - 2020-01-24
Imagination(random words challenge) (2) - 2020-01-24
Flying High(tanka) - 2020-01-24

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Direct address: https://www.poetbay.com/wildcat55dream