Going through old texts and discovered this from 7/8 years ago as a draft. I thought, “it’s okay I suppose” so I pressed the publish tab but forgot that it would appear in “todays texts”… if anyone was wondering. Enjoying the nostalgia — thanks poetbay.


if I become
too much for you
then please
feel at ease
to walk away
it will hurt
but I will understand
I won’t blame you


and if you stay
the please
don’t try to fix me
better to walk
than hurt yourself
that way


if you want me
to be fixed
then take me
as I am
if you can
for love
is the best fixer
anyone could wish for

Words by Eli The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 136 times
Written on 2023-08-23 at 20:30

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