I'd give you the stars if I could. -24th September 2016.

To give the stars.

The fierce green hustle
Of the pine tops whistling;
It understands me
And the bounce of moonlight
That cried so much loneliness.
As you watch the night sky fall -
I'll lay beside you
And keep my hand outstretched
As to gather the stars -
And hold them in my palm.

Poetry by John Ashleigh The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1520 times
Written on 2016-09-24 at 13:48

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Kathy Lockhart
oh so lovely, my soul cries out in joy for it is pleased and hopeful as romance lives on in poetic hearts so beautifully expressed eternally.

Bibek The PoetBay support member heart!
Beautifully crafted.

The phrasing is especially felicitous in the first half of the poem, with "fierce green hustle" and "bounce of moonlight" ... excellent throughout!

very nice a beautiful gesture set in song