All of this shall pass over soon. -20th November 2016.

In between love.

I wish I had that strength;
Come tomorrow
I will become something
That can meet with words
In our loneliness.
For now I'll watch shadows -
I'll catch my breath,
And I'll slip into your arms
When they acquaint themselves
And start to warm me through.
For now I will love you
In the midst of my intentions.

Poetry by John Ashleigh
Read 1455 times
Written on 2016-11-20 at 19:13

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Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
The last two lines are superb. I feel the angst of the separation in this fine piece :)

For now I will love you
In the midst of my intentions.

These lines ache my friend
They ache

What a beautiful description of being lost in an emotion, almost without a self. The "I" in the poem is so slight and marginal, seeming to exist only in relation to something else. So lovely and mysterious.