HEAR! Now take the path here ― Come and be gladed!

Gladed! ―

Taken from worries, remembering glittered creekwater,
we're rushed to, binding herein, lovely daybreak's new!

Wandered! ―

Peacefilled with sweet harsh common fern taste
taking steady morning steps on dewloved path!


We wriggle the bolt off into brushwood's hiding places,
finally twig off this drunken suffering carried us forth,
for Gladness, when facing life, wish to escape quickly!

Loved ―

lifting gently worn out glances to spring-set our fallow,
discerning forest still sighing, nourished clean of this light,
hastening the trip, fast cloth, wreath us in living grandeur!

Whispered ―

at the end of the glade Truth searched; owned its answer
next to a dull green, soft and willing, a leaved fair craving
cut with richest imaginable berry-flowers cleanest needs!

We thread gladed forth, running welled up, and come here silently,
for soon the flowering is gone and the years have us kissed through!

Read 1218 times
Written on 2016-11-08 at 16:37

Tags Love  Truth  Gladness 

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