a sketch 

on the isle of corfu


we sleep in a cave

a cave on a slant of layered rock

that sweeps to the sea


and in the sea   which is a shade of blue

we had never seen

urchins by the score   scores of scores


cover the sea-bed   the sun burning us quickly  

we hide in the cave

reading novels   venturing out in the evenings


to walk up the hill   into town   for a shower

behind dimitri's home  

and dinner at his restaurant   which his wife prepares 


serves with a smile   graciousness

and retsina




sometimes   we sit at a table by the sea

watching the sun set

with a small plate of olives   a small glass of ouzo


watch fisherman come in with their catch   sometimes  

in the cool of the evening   we watch

the parade of young young men   handsome and bold


walk in pairs   holding hands   white shirts open to the waist  

proud of their muscled   dark chests  

parade and preen before the young women  


who are shy   or coy   who sit by the town center's fountain  

whispering and laughing  

while old men play backgammon


sipping strong   black coffee   talking politics 

certain of their words




sometimes one needs a cave

a sea to swim in  

a rock to lie upon   a book to read


sights that are new and lasting  

a place to wash   another to eat and drink   find gaiety  

in strings of colored lights


hear a friendly word from a stranger  

find hope in a sun-bleached   white-washed world   in a town

as pure and self-contained as this


where fisherman make a living by the sea  

and young people find what they are looking for

right before their eyes   and it is enough  


it is enough for some   roads that lead to town  

also lead away from town



Poetry by one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1262 times
Written on 2017-04-10 at 16:02

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Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
I love these stories. They make me feel like I am there, which is what good writing does. Relaxing and peaceful :)

Some times we need just that. You paint a dreamy sketch. Who wouldn't want to be there?
But in the end, there us no place like home.

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
This is a very nice sketch. For some, what is there is enough. For others, it isn't. That's how it is everywhere.

Nancy Sikora
Sometimes one needs... to GTF out of Dodge.


Bibek The PoetBay support member heart!
Must be a lovely place to sit and watch the world go on its own. This reminds me of mindfulness and meditative calmness.

Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
You welcome Jim.I love to read your poetry

Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
A lovely poem Jim