just adding to my Alphabet poems for children. this one is.....you guessed it "B's." Hope you enjoy it.

A Boogaloo Beast Bash!

Baby baboons babbled
by a bubbling brook
as barracuda moms
bit their toes and shook

Ballerina bulldogs
bounced a ballet dance
and baritone bassets
wore parachute pants.

Bikini clad blowfish
bellowed out a tune
and blue birds with braces
whistled at the moon.

Bass playing blues bunnies
strummed their bold quitars
and banjo-picking bears
smoked pickle cigars.

A boogaloo beach bash
bravely held at nine
animals head banging
beasts beating a rhyme.

Poetry by Kathy Lockhart
Read 1684 times
Written on 2006-05-25 at 00:49

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Awesome! I don't think there's another word to describe this! :D

I am in love with your alphabet poems. Simply love them. Would you let me illustrate your book Kathy? Im dead serious here.

Christoffer Waye
This is so great, very funny and very clever ryms Great text Kathy

Malin Johansson
Aw this one was great.... :D

Bookmarked this for my grandchildren to read,grinning from ear to ear, a pure delight Kathy.

Onyeka Nwelue
Yeah...alliteration, toppled with lullaby...

Nice poem indeed!

Amanda Manmohan
This is such a happy poem! It's so playful and light.... I loved it. Very well written :)