4 yr Anniversary of my son's death

For Matthew Steven Carter

The Joy and the Sorrow

There ‘s a black hole in my heart

that cannot ever be filled.
Yet, it continues to pump life-giving blood

through my arteries and veins,

because of God’s omniscient will.


In that hole, with my memories contained,

deep inside the emptiness,

is the place of this mother’s pain,

boring through the darkness,

until I see your face again.


Years come and carry each anniversary date;

there’re are two--

The day of your birth and the day of your death, dear son.
The joy and the sorrow

are both in my thoughts of you.


Today is the sorrow
Tomorrow will be the joy
Of knowing that my first born child
Is alive, it is true,

that the angels and he are rejoicing

with the Creator, our Savior.

Jesus Christ, they are worshipping You.

Love, Mom
Matthew Carter 9/13/76-4/18/2019

Poetry by Kathy Lockhart
Read 305 times
Written on 2023-04-18 at 17:33

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Nils Teodor The PoetBay support member heart!
This poem really touched my heart,
With love,

Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
I am sorry I missed this, because it really is a gem of a poem - even though it is one born of loss and hope for resurrection. Deserves accolade, this. Blessings, Allen

WOW,,beautifully written from the depth of your heart n soul,,i am so very sorry for the loss of your son,he was so very kind and happy i got the chance to chat with him a few times.been long time since i been on poetbay I have missed reading you and poetbay brought us together! love you and miss you ,and will be writing again,,

Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Dearest of friends Kathy.
The weight of loss at times feels unbearable.
Especially as it was your son.
Just remember here on poetbay.
Your loved by everyone.
Regards Alan

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Thinking out to you, dear dear, Kathy - Ken D. Hugs

Sona The PoetBay support member heart!
Oh! dear Kathy. Yes, its both joy and sorrow. I always used to think about both of you together. My prayers.

jim The PoetBay support member heart!
Thinking of you, Kathy, with warm thoughts, and best wishes,
