"There is no great genius without some touch of madness."
--Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC)
he or she is a creature of the mind
who creates where breaths of inspiration lead,
like mythic Muses on a Grecian wind;
some have the gift of poesy like Keats,
and some the gift of music like Mozart;
some pen pastorals of farms, fields, and sheep
while others write refrains that move the heart.
The divine gift of genius is a tool
conferred by one's high Muse to create art,
music, and science to ennoble the fool
in every tribe of which we are a part.
But if your genius be not in this rhyme,
then share the greater "genius" that's your time.
Sonnet by Ngoc Nguyen
Read 777 times
Written on 2018-05-04 at 19:08
Tags Genius  Keats  Mozart 
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--Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC)
A Sonnet on Genius
A genius is a special kind, indeed:he or she is a creature of the mind
who creates where breaths of inspiration lead,
like mythic Muses on a Grecian wind;
some have the gift of poesy like Keats,
and some the gift of music like Mozart;
some pen pastorals of farms, fields, and sheep
while others write refrains that move the heart.
The divine gift of genius is a tool
conferred by one's high Muse to create art,
music, and science to ennoble the fool
in every tribe of which we are a part.
But if your genius be not in this rhyme,
then share the greater "genius" that's your time.
Sonnet by Ngoc Nguyen
Read 777 times
Written on 2018-05-04 at 19:08
Tags Genius  Keats  Mozart 
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