


as city sheep

they wander


doing what

they think

they need

or so they tell them


grey everywhere


where once

blossoms dazzled

on meadows free

where we first loved

so recklessly

yet other faces

show despair


lovers weary

love so mean


where are the swallows now?

whence the skylarks?


doves beg

sinister crows

wait for crumbs

from careless eaters

plastic everywhere

grey buildings

grey skies

I have no place here now


Yes, I let my grey hair grow

but my beard is black,

like the native bog

where thence I wandered

as childfree

no one worried

or called me home

'til fire sparked

and embers flew

late into the blue slate sky

yet still, the mysterious lights were there

deep down on western skies


my memories

and hopes

are never grey

my life is never grey

not me

not you



Poetry by Peter Humphreys
Read 944 times
Written on 2018-12-27 at 18:19

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josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
I so enjoy reading your work,Peter. This one did not disappoint!
Happy New Year!

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
As always, you paint pictures with words and stir emotions.

All the best for this Yuletide

Elle x