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Member since 2006-12-20
Has written 1736 comments

Has received 2033 applauds


My name is Joseph Ouellette. I use the pen name "Josephus" to honor a great ancient Roman/Jewish historian of that name. Thanks to the administrators and editors of Poetbay for providing this wonderful forum. My quote ..." My mind is writing cheques that my body can't cash!"


79 years old from

MY TEXTS, Archive 674 Texts

Hospice (10) - 2023-12-07
Autumn Dresses For All Hallows’ Eve (3) - 2023-10-31
Another winter day ends in Buenos Aries (1) - 2023-09-05
I Planted Corn Again This Year (3) - 2023-08-18
Rapsodious Day (2) - 2023-08-17
Salt marsh Afternoon - 2023-08-16
Topmasts Swaying Against The Sky (5) - 2023-07-30
D Day - 2023-06-05
In the early morning rain (1) - 2023-05-02
Afternoon Titans (1) - 2023-04-16
Lost Trade and Quiet Dignity (2) - 2023-04-13
Love Is In The Air - 2023-04-09
Miriam VII…The Call and The Voyage - 2023-04-07
Miriam VI Resurrection (1) - 2023-04-05
Miriam V The Awakening - 2023-04-04
Miriam IV ... The Tavern Courtyard (1) - 2023-04-02
Miriam III Antonius - 2023-03-31
An Angler’s Day (1) - 2023-03-29
Miriam II Compassion - 2023-03-28
Iterations (1) - 2023-03-27

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"may struggle be your lot ...and peace be your prize"

Direct address: https://www.poetbay.com/josephus