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Member since 2009-02-12
Has written 198 comments

Has received 84 applauds


"Only in dream, like this dawn,
Does the grave, awed intensity
Of our young love
Return to my mind, to my flesh."
--- Gary Snyder

"Talk is cheap but comes in variety
and witnessing dialect
there is a rule for all
and in each sentence a perfect grammar"
--- Grace Paley

"I hear the ocean breathing.
The world is a benign jellyfish.
I float inhaling water that tastes
of iodine and thin bright blood."
--- Marge Piercy

"I have said that you sang in the wind
like the pines and the masts.
Like them you are tall and taciturn,
and you are sad, all at once, like a voyage."
--- Pablo Neruda

"If the moon smiled, she would resemble you.
You leave the same impression
Of something beautiful, but annihilating.
Both of you are great light borrowers."
--- Sylvia Plath

"Unendowed with wealth or pity,
Little birds with scarlet legs,
Sitting on their speckled eggs,
Eye each flu-infected city."
--- W. H. Auden

Brian Oarr

76 years old from

MY TEXTS, Archive 83 Texts

To be Human (2) - 2016-06-26
Flight from Gilboa Mountain (1) - 2016-03-01
You Just Might Get What You Need (2) - 2015-12-29
wind river mountains (1) - 2015-12-08
In Search of Cuppuccino (2) - 2015-12-07
As the Days Decay (3) - 2015-10-17
Furtivum Meditatur Amorem for C. S. (1) - 2015-10-07
Quantum Effects on Love (2) - 2015-09-30
Modern Drama 101 (2) - 2015-07-28
The Anonymous Guard of Wilderness (2) - 2015-05-18
Quenched into Percentile (for Jessica) (5) - 2015-01-07
A Man Out of Time (3) - 2014-03-13
Drowning in The Squonk's Tears (2) - 2013-12-24
Where the Sidewalk Ends (2) - 2013-12-08
Empirical Breakdown - 2013-09-30
Unobtrusive Traveller (2) - 2013-09-17
Redrock Ghazal - 2013-01-31
To Those Whose Name Was Writ in Water (2) - 2013-01-15
A Nomad Needs for Nothing (1) - 2013-01-04
We All Die Unhealed (1) - 2012-12-02

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