You Just Might Get What You Need

Reconnoitering each day from Zuccotti Park toward Wall Street,
they are the ensemble of the jobless, the homeless, the leaderless.
Twisted Brothers singing, We're Not Gon'na Take It Anymore!,
the Nameless faces of democracy overcoming inertial rest,
demanding that equity of fortune be restored and the unjust be tried,
the living corpus of defiant non-cake eaters,
as naturally disordered as blowing leaves or drifting sands.

From lofts above the privileged sip flutes of champagne and jeer,
mocking the throngs beneath like Roman overlords,
while a daily pall of silence entombs Washington,
as if the watchman of the world has gone on holiday.

Do not shirk in your efforts, Brothers of the Street,
your numbers grow each day nurtured by your poverty.
You have subsumed the high ground and conscience of our nation.

Poetry by Brian Oarr
Read 1020 times
Written on 2015-12-29 at 12:47

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Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
Eventually all cries are heard. But usually after violence.

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Let's hope so.