> Doing uploads of the updated code to the site this weekend

> Brief site downtime (max 2hrs)


[On 21 Jun] - Scheduled maintenance | Site downtime


19 Jun 


Hi everyone,


The updating of the code we've been working on in the last few weeks is completed and ready to be uploaded.  So, this is to inform you of an upcoming scheduled maintenance planned for this weekend, on Sunday.


Although we were hoping we wouldn't have to do it this way, it's unfortunately the best approach, 'cause there are hundreds of files to transfer over.  


This means PoetBay will incur a period of downtime (inaccessibility to the site) for all the members, while we upload the new code files to replace each of the current ones.


Maintenance work will begin on :


Sunday, 21 June 2020


18H00 EST - 22H00 GMT - 23H00 CET



Maintenance work will end on :


Sunday, 21 June / Monday, 22 June 2020


20H00 EST / 00H00 GMT - 01H00 CET


We're giving it at most 2 hrs to complete these uploads, but we will obviously try to keep it as short as possible.  


To reiterate, these updates will make PoetBay's code more robust for general online security, as well as ensure easier ways for its upkeep to the latest versions, so we never get caught offguard like we were in September. 


Apologies for any inconvenience.  Thanks for your patience in this process of making PoetBay's technical health stronger.  We're nearing the end of the list of things to cover. 



Diary by Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 564 times
Written on 2020-06-21 at 03:47

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Thank for keeping us informed, good luck.
Ken D

Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
I should maybe mention that these updates have no occurrence on your poems saved on the site. We're not dealing with any of the site's records, only code files. Thought you should know in case any felt a little nervous about the outcome of doing this maintenance this weekend. Your poetry is safe!


ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Thank for keeping us informed & up to date, good luck. :)
Ken D :)