Since time began this cycle beginning in such innocent ways has occurred to alter the lives of men and nations.

The March of The Titans

And so...
Each year butterflies
Move their wings in Cote D’Avoir
Disturbing the micro atmosphere
Forming nascent turbulence
Ever expanding to birth
A push of moisture laden
Air rising till mist coalesces
Droplets which fall creating
A convection Cycle
Over the warm Atlantic
This nursery of the titans
Which grow and march ever
Westward in boisterous
Adolescent strides
Reaching raging roar
As they feed their ravenous
Growth from heated seas
Made so by an unconcerned sun
To finally die in Wagnerian
Armageddon on unprepared
Western shores

Poetry by josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 271 times
Written on 2020-09-11 at 14:48

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one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
ripples, the beating of wings. well expressed, joe ~