I wrote this just after the attack on the World Trade Center September 11 2001;
Posting it today as a memorial.


I can`t believe you`re gone
I can`t believe you died that day
I can`t remember how you felt
I can`t believe your wondrous eyes were
Martyred to an unknown cause
You; mixed with steel and dust for all the world to see
You; crushed; your spirit flung so unprepared
In shock at sudden unplanned exit

I can`t believe in love
I can`t believe in law
I can`t believe in wisdom
I can`t believe I saw you die
not once but in constant replay
Aboard that plane that ripped a million souls
A Christian's ticket to the roman games
Witness to the devouring of his anguished soul

I can believe in vengeance
I can believe in hate
I can believe in anger
I can believe in forces
That trample others rights
to defend their need to slake
Their endless thirst for power
At the cost of lives like yours

I must believe in caring
I must believe in love
I must believe in sharing
I must believe that pain
is the searing road to justice
if I can only find the path
To make some sense of all this emptiness I feel
To find the diamond that was you crushed to carbon once again

Can I live to see your empty grave
Can I live to change myself
Can I live to make this happen
Can I live to be alone again without
the loving that was you.
To find completeness in the shards of loving yesterdays
To become whole in some other unknown way

I must

For you

Poetry by josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 275 times
Written on 2020-09-11 at 15:02

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Such strong work.Made me feel so sad and feel sympathy for you and your pain.

F.i.in.e Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
Powerful, poignant... heartbreaking remembrance. I'm so sorry for your loss, Joe. Thank you for sharing this.