Melancholy and Joy


Melancholy and joy, like oil and water,
do not combine (like water in a bath
of acid). The twain never do
meet in a single psyche,
a single soul,
a single


or in a single life like mine. And often
in between are vast tracts of gray,
of feeling from day to day
so numbed from my
daily sacrifice of
seeing my


slip away from me like water out of
my hands, like life-giving blood
leaving my capillaries
and veins in sickle cell
disarray even
on Sabbath


Melancholy and joy, this competing twin
(of heaven and hell), have no
purgatory for me: I either
ascend into bliss; or
I descend into
a burning

Poetry by Ngoc Nguyen The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 265 times
Written on 2021-07-13 at 14:28

Tags Bipolar  Mania  Melancholy 

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