So Slow to Slumber

So slow to slumber in the opaqueness of your eyes
tender flower of a nations heart, sweetest sleep
seeds so scattered upon these September sighs.

May the tides and winds of change muffle out the lies
and in the last breath exhaled, I catch to hold deep.
So slow to slumber in the opaqueness of your eyes

Sifting through memories, all is not as it belies
fingertip to fingertip in shifting sands, gently sweep
seeds so scattered upon these September sighs.

Seeking, searching above, below for love is all and wise,
brew the leaves, let the waters imbue with essences to steep
So slow to slumber in the opaqueness of your eyes.

Sing, let the timbre of your voice sound those lullaby's
Our soaring chorus in worlds away, around the tune we keep
seeds so scattered upon these September sighs,

Nothing can assuage the grief, humanity cries
take away the bitter taste, let all in freedom weep
so slow to slumber in the opaqueness of your eyes
seeds so scattered upon these September sighs.

Poetry by Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 327 times
Written on 2021-09-14 at 16:37

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MetaPoetics The PoetBay support member heart!
There's so much to cherish here. A well-crafted villanelle and the continuous strings of /s/ sound is a delight to hear.

Uncle Meridian The PoetBay support member heart!
A superlatively crafted poem, of fluent music and verbal alertness. Bravissima!

Christopher Fernie The PoetBay support member heart!
Dear Elle,

This is Romance with a capital R... and I am speechless in September.

With all good wishes,


one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
This has an other-worldly quality, or, a world from an earlier, slower-paced time.
