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Member since 2021-09-12
Has written 279 comments

Has received 747 applauds


I'm Thomas most of the time.


Uncle Meridian

55 years old from USA


For the Waters Are Come In, Even Unto My Soul (2) - 2024-05-27
Homage to Theodore Roethke - 2024-03-30
The 5th Dimension (3) - 2024-02-20
Kerouac Meets Rumi (2) - 2024-01-10
Help, ho! (2) - 2023-08-07
Menotomy Rubaiyat (4) - 2023-07-14

MY TEXTS, Archive 388 Texts

Not One of the Cool Kids, I Guess (2) - 2024-07-26
Nobody's Hero (1) - 2024-07-26
Just Don't Ask Me to Do the Parallel Bars (2) - 2024-07-22
Holding Up (5) - 2024-07-21
Blink (2) - 2024-07-13
The Red Hat (2) - 2024-07-01
Three Short Takes (1) - 2024-06-29
Remembering the '90s (1) - 2024-06-28
Last Morning in Milwaukee - 2024-06-27
55 (2) - 2024-06-18
In my deepest dream (1) - 2024-06-12
Sleepification (1) - 2024-06-10
So I met this really - 2024-06-06
I could use - 2024-06-05
For the Waters Are Come In, Even Unto My Soul (2) - 2024-05-27
[dwindle] - 2024-05-25
Extended Play (2) - 2024-05-22
A Good Day Indeed (1) - 2024-05-19
My 1970s (3) - 2024-05-19
Communion (3) - 2024-05-13

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"Million mistakes. Forging forward. Hope opens."

Direct address: https://www.poetbay.com/peaceandlight