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1. [quickest note to j.m.f.]
2. [finding language]
3. [fragment]
4. [not i, said the buffalo]
5. [fifty-cent vocab]
6. [i need]
7. [journey]
8. [guidance]
9. [1990]
10. [naming the need]
11. [i fall mute before]
12. [notebook]
13. [this bird has flown]
14. [crossing]
15. [and find out]
16. [a house in somerville]
17. [block 61]
18. [in his own write]
19. [my analogies]
20. [winter night-walks]
Poetry by
Uncle Meridian

Poems written mostly in the last four months of 2024.

More books from this author
Omega, Refreshed
A Good Day Indeed
Mirror of Patience
Pure Winter Starlight
And Be My Love
Also, These
Clear and Generous
Ye Shall Have a Song
The Right Amount
Wayward Graces
Wystan Auden & His Bastard Child
More Than This
Just Look Around
Spy Pond Songs
Parodies & Palinodes
Safe Keeping
Changes & Chances
They Write Poems, Don't They?