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1. jeunesse
2. Here Endeth the Lesson
3. The Dynamite Club
4. For Steven, Who Asked Me My Favourite Colour
5. Romance
6. [it's dark out.]
7. Simple Thing
8. morning is the time
9. Memories
10. I'm noticing you
More Than This
Poetry by
Uncle Meridian

Recentest jottings both of solemn and of jocular tenor. In formal attire, in casual dress. Colloquial and polished, vernacular and smart. Or smartish. Whatever.

More books from this author
A Good Day Indeed
Mirror of Patience
Pure Winter Starlight
And Be My Love
Also, These
Clear and Generous
Ye Shall Have a Song
The Right Amount
Wayward Graces
Wystan Auden & His Bastard Child
Just Look Around
Spy Pond Songs
Parodies & Palinodes
Safe Keeping
Changes & Chances
They Write Poems, Don't They?