I'm just flexing some emotional muscles here....Ah, I feel better now.

Missing Plugs

Where's the plug that fills this hole
It is lost and I just don't know
I left you lying on the floor
It was easy to roll yourself out my door
And take what you wanted of me that day
Leaving me empty and alone to stay.


I looked for you on the two-way street
Pounding the pavement in my bare feet
I called you on the telephone
But no one answered; you're never at home
I put an ad in the evening news
I hit all the joints that play the Blues
My heart is drained because of you
My life is empty; I've nothing to do
So I lie hear in sorrowful despair
And pray for someone else to care.


That's what you think I will do
But you don't know me like I know you
You'll roll yourself back to my door
And on bended knees you'll sit on my floor
To ask forgiveness and make a pitiful plea
"Take me back. Feel sorry for me"
I'll listen with a gentle smile
And think about you all the while
I plan the trip of my lifetime
You can kiss this sweet ass of mine
Because I have filled that hole, Honey
I filled it myself with lots of money


As I look at you lying in despair
I laugh a laugh that's says, "I don't care"
Here's the finger that speaks my mind
As you can see, I'm done being kind

Go find your own plug, Baby!

Kathy Lockhart 6/19/06

Poetry by Kathy Lockhart
Read 765 times
Written on 2006-06-19 at 07:19

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Love Knight

Zoya Zaidi
This is amazing, Kathy!
Good gibving vent to your feelings!
love, xxx, Zoya

Malin Johansson
I loved this one!!!
I have to bookmark this one!!
Regards to you

well done!!! kissess

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!

Glad i am not on the rceiving end
this is a very good poem to someone who must have hurt you very badly the metaphors are brilliant well done rgds mike

Katherine Nwelue
Nice work indeed! You have a great flow of the words....