There was a time not too long ago when a country's flag was a token of awe and utmost respec. Sadly it's been diminished of late....

Hijacked Glory



There was.a time when it was glory

When it’s ribbons fluttered in blood stained awe

Standing in revered bright isolation

On battled fields and despoiled knolls


Weather torn or battle ravaged

Pristinely hung in hallowed halls

Calling all to an inspirited realm

Invoking an altruistic good


Yet I see it’s sad demise

Forlornly draped on pickup hoods

Trashed as clothes for deplorables 

Waved by hijacker’s of our laws

Poetry by josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 212 times
Written on 2022-03-25 at 19:31

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