Miriam VIII The Call and The Voyage

Thus amid the cobbles and dust
A woman touched by fate and trial
Bound forever in a sacred trust
With what History would call the Holy Grail

Left behind by the rabid score
She stood and felt a new alarm
The gift's worth now so much more
Goblet and wine now transformed

The rabbi's gift was worth her life
Without understanding why or how
Her role was clear but fraught with strife
This goblet's power possessed her now

Furtively with building dread
Home at last with her sacred treasure 
Safely wrapped beneath her bed
She pondered long her life's new measure

In days to come she often said
Events unfolded without intent
Now years passed she saw instead
A guided path was evident

Her life though changed within her soul
Still required her unending toil
To purchase clothing food and fuel
each night she further defined her role

Rumours spoke in secret murmur 
Of resurrection his being seen
His friends preaching in blinding fervour 
Of him being a Godlike thing

Months after the rabbi's death
A stranger approached her door and said
You have wealth that's been bequeathed
To provide for your safety and your stead

He handed her a heavy purse
And turned away to disappear 
Amidst a swirling cloud of dust
Leaving her riches without peer

Now her road was straight and clear
To protect the cup from harm her charge
A place of safety far from here
A fortress strong anonymously parged

All she owned was in her pack
Her new found wealth in a waist bound sack
The ship bound for the pillars of Hercules
And beyond to where...she had yet conceived 


Poetry by josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 223 times
Written on 2022-04-18 at 04:03

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D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
I am only now finding this sequence, beginning with Miriam I; and I applaud, both the unfolding story plus the skill in verse. I await more in eager anticipation.