You may find this drowl,

Have you ever wondered.

Do fruits and vegetables,

Ever really have a soul.


Would you ever feel wonderous,

If all the insects got together.

To build a giant foot;

So that they could return the favour,

And step on all of us.


Like insects crowds in fields,

Waiting to meet there maker.

No places left for them to hide;

Today's the day the farmer,

Turns his thoughts to insecticide.


Killing millions insects in a field,

If they all have souls you know.

When he ups and kicks the bucket,

Which way does he think he'll go.


I've been carefull all my life, 

If I end up in hell I'd miss my wife.

I've often thought this through,

I think I'd miss my trousers too.


I'd be the only one to blame,

On all my clothes it says the same.

Not to to be worn,

To close to a flame.


So maybe when it's our time,

When we leave this world.;

In our earthly form.

Maybe we leave it as naked,

As the day we were born.


If forty vestibule virgins,

Were waiting for my life to end.

Knowing all the luck in life I've had,

They'd probably all turnout to be men.






Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 126 times
Written on 2022-06-01 at 00:49

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