
I feel like a pressure cooker,
I wish I could blow off some steam,
I push myself harder everyday,
I’m obsessed with being a winner some day.

I bite off more than I can chew,
I can do this, and that, and this too,
I believe I can achieve it all,
This belief makes it harder for me to ever fall.

The thought of failing keeps me up at night,
My imposter syndrome makes me wonder,
How I get anything right,
I’m the most under-confident confident person you can find,
I’ve become a people pleaser beyond what’s fine.

I try too hard to be a part of a group that will never accept me,
I let their belittling words affect me,
I strive hard to give the best that I can,
Yet nothing seems to go to plan.

I feel like a failure even though I haven’t failed yet,
Mediocrity seems to be,
The biggest failure to me.

Yet this is what I think I am,
Mediocre at best,
Leaving all my best laid plans to rest.

Poetry by Kshiti Dubey
Read 192 times
Written on 2022-09-12 at 13:37

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
This work I can identify with. Why yes I for one, love poetbay. Because we support each, a circle of good Freinds well met.
Ken D.

one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
A strong poem. Are you your own harshest critic?