I Write to You at Oh-Dark-Thirty

I write to you at oh-dark-thirty
buzzed from coffee and from having slept
only three hours. Somnolus interrupticus.

We missed you last night at the Robin’s Nest
(you needed rest after your own poor sleep)!
I read my poem about Café Zaragoza:

Dr. Jones, of dark beret and fading memory,

delivering Akhmatova in faultless Russian.

This afternoon, I have my lunch with Edward
after which I might be slightly sozzled,
not quite shipshape for Friday services.

I'd broadcast this to the compass-pointed winds

and to the hundred thousand cable-networks:
I have a friend whose eyes are beautiful.

Poetry by Uncle Meridian The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 196 times
Written on 2022-10-09 at 05:18

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Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
I absolutely love 'oh-dark-thirty' and 'Somnolus interrupticus'. :)
This is a poem about moments in time... the type of poetry that fascinates me. And you end it with an expression of love... presumably for the person to who the poem is addressed.