Poetic inspiration flows from the Muses’ breasts…

To Be Inspired, I Suck the Muses' Breasts

To be inspired, I suck the Muses' breasts;
and, like young babes that thirst for tender milk,
and for health from their mother's nippled chests,
I champ the teats sublime for strains of silk.

O god-like breasts from whence beauteous rhyme
proceeds and flows (which sustain with dulcet songs),
what swan, what bard, what poet can these feast-time
glands make go wrong!? Their nourishment makes them strong.

O thou bare-bosom'd Muses so divine!
Be all mine, and I'll be thine: for as heir,
I'll glut earth with breastmilk's rhymes, line by line,
so all men grow through verses everywhere.

O Muses! With potent breasts so nourishing,
soon all the world's souls will be flourishing.

Sonnet by Ngoc Nguyen The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 201 times
Written on 2022-10-14 at 13:24

Tags Breasts  Breastmilk  Muse 

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Marie Cadavieco
Well, this is just SO different from many poems on here, it was almost a culture shock. I do love the concept of the milk from the Muses' breasts filling the earth 'so all men grow through verses everywhere'. It sounds such a compelling thought - could it be that people would be flourishing so much that there is time only for poetry, and all the conflict, all the anger, all the hatred will be forgotten? Oh, what a wonderful dream. Such a lovely sonnet, you are definitely the master of the sonnet.
I am having visions of these muses feeding mankind their milk of poetic dreams around the earth!

Marie xx