Established eternity
We are growing old and withering,
a fact most inescapable,
a rule of law of nature that applies to everyone
and every form of life,
and we just have to suffer
watching ourselves growing grey and stiff,
less agile and more dull for every day,
submitting more and more to endless sleep
as something of a preparation for the ultimate release
of the big sleep that lasts forever.
What can we do about it?
One thing though will not be subject to this aging process,
which will actually preserve us or a part of us
forever and a day, and that will even be the best part of us;
and that is the materialization of our sweetest loveliest dreams
as they will be contained and formed in poetry.
The ugliness of crude reality and the abomination of brutality
will vanish, while the beauty we create with love will last forever.
Poetry by Christian Lanciai

Read 174 times
Written on 2022-11-24 at 01:32