"An die ferne geliebte"

In his later days the aging Beethoven
composed a cycle of six intimate and heartfelt songs
to his beloved, who was inaccessible and unattainable,
whom he called his ‘immortally beloved’,
but he never mentioned who she was,
and ever since that day his listeners
have speculated, guessing who she was,
but she remains a mystery forever.
Those six songs became a portal for a great activity
of most prolific and inspiring song composing
through the entire 19th century by its most qualified composers,
Schubert leading with six hundred songs
and never having been surpassed.
In the same way, the Shakespeare poet wrote his sonnets
overflowing with abundant love of deep sincerity
to unknown cherished friends and lovers
whose identities we never shall be able to find out.
In the same way I write to you
of love born out of crucifixion, death and sacrifice
in harder mould than any diamond steel,
but without ever mentioning your name,
as your identity and personality and being
is more sacred and inviolable to me
than the holiest of all religions,
as your best and absolute protection is your anonymity.

Poetry by Christian Lanciai The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 165 times
Written on 2022-12-03 at 17:00

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