A hymn for Jesus

Jesus My Lord

My Lord Jesus Christ is king,
Of him only I will sing.
He loves me dearly I know,
And to him only I'll go.

My Lord Jesus Christ is Lord,
He nourishes me with his word,
He saved my doomed soul from death,
When in sin it lacked good health.

My Lord Jesus Christ provides,
And when I am lost, he guides.
Like a shepherd he leads me,
Even when from trials I flee.

My Lord Jesus Christ is good,
In sad moments, by me he stood,
In my moments of despair,
He does my mood swing repair.

Poetry by Joseph Ogbonna
Read 214 times
Written on 2022-12-11 at 00:35

Tags Jesus  Christ  Lord 

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D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
I found this to be a simple - in very best sense - testament to faith, that had a lilt in its poetry