A Maid and Muse, She Is His Rose


A maid and muse, she is my Rose:
the one for whom I pen this song
that trills a note which sweetly flows.
A maid and muse, she is my Rose,
a bloom of love whose flower shows
when the sun's disc is high and strong.
A maid and muse, she is my Rose
whose song forever overflows!


The love of Rose, within her heart,
becomes a song which sweetly flows
from this poet's pen as rhythmic art.
The love of Rose, within her heart,
binds us closer when we're apart,
though God knows that this lovely Rose
goes straight to my dead, lonely heart,
and uplifts my unbearable lows!

Poetry by Ngoc Nguyen The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 229 times
Written on 2022-12-14 at 00:56

Tags Maid  Muse  Rose 

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D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
I liked this, a masterful rendering of the Triolet; and the poem's content worked so well.