The Montana Moon


Don't be scared

because you'll never again

meet someone


Your life opens like a spoon

toward the front door


That is your wealth


Your assignment is hollow

and opposite


The ring still soughs:

When I turn everything off

I hear a murmur


It's all the misunderstandings

that are jotted

in a careless and hasty hand

and have nowhere

except elsewhere,

in bodily feigns


The day calls for twelve hollow brutes

and twelve forgiven


Even the distant mountains

don't get rid of long distances;

they gather at high altitude balls,

dressed in blue;

the mists at their feet serving them well


All thoughts are intoxicated

in the meadows,

bluebells tingling,

lasting impressions auctioned off

for almost nothing

in rural towns


The Montana moon rises

in an American haiku;

the silent observer

of things to note




Poetry by Ingvar Loco Nordin The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 129 times
Written on 2022-12-15 at 08:41

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Ingvar Loco Nordin The PoetBay support member heart!

In a text like this you are bound to get lost right away, if you try to find your way through logic. The trick - or one of them - is to just let go, without expecting anything but:

1. Sounds. The sounds of the words.
2. Atmospheres. The atmospheres that rise in your mind when reading.
3. Feelings. The feelings you might receive from yourself when reading.
4. Recollections. Your own recollections that you serve up in the wake of this text.

The text is really simply a trigger. All texts are triggers, and the triggers are different for each person. When you write something, you write as many versions as there are readers, even though it may look like just one poem. Now, some poems - many - make out to have a purpose or a very much logical appearance - but they're triggers anyhow. So the more you try to make a decent interpretation of this text, you will just lose yourself in yourself - and that may be a good purpose anyway!

Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
This, Ingvar, my friend, is going to take a great deal of thought and re-reading. I thought I would comment thus, in my plead for time. :)