
We know each other
and we have our common memories,
a story of our own and sweetest common friendships
as a most unusual advantage, shared by few,
and yet we only lived together for six months
which now appears though as a lifetime
if not longer, as we both felt old already then
so many years ago, yes, practically an eternity ago,
in which prolonged enforced divorce
so much has changed and happened;
and yet we are still the same, so young and gay
and carefree without sorrows,
although both of us already then
were burdened with atrocious trials and adversities,
and now there is a war around us raging recklessly
with both our countries more or less involved,
as if we had to go through all of this again,
which feels too horribly familiar,
as if we both had to survive with hardship
all the horrors of the Second World War,
memories still being too intrusive from the Warsaw Ghetto,
as if history was just a constant repetition of the worst
that mankind ever could endure.
But we survived and are surviving still
with something of a love saved from eternity
which it is our duty to maintain and foster
and keep warm for even worse eternities to come.

Poetry by Christian Lanciai The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 148 times
Written on 2022-12-15 at 17:16

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