I Will Die When I Want

I have told you of my past
Of my mothers, of my fathers
As they roved the world
In their twits of the axes
As the world listened to their heartbeats

I have told you of my past
Of my hungry brothers, of my sisters
How they drowned in the rivers
In a twinkle of an eye
How the River Goddess swore never to allow them
Come back to us, even in death


I have told you of my past
The mysteries that fill them
And the world I have ever faced
How my life tumbled in a broad day light
And how I was orphaned

When my friends go to churches
Walking side by side with their parents

I have told you how I went all alone
With the stainless plate behind me
Begging for leftovers, but no one paid attention to me

How they never touched me
Because I am the Untouchable


I can not boast of my destiny
Ridden with penury, but of this:
That I hold my day of dying

With my past and present, pluming
I will die when I want to die

Poetry by Onyeka Nwelue
Read 1400 times
Written on 2006-06-26 at 01:51

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Big head u have to be careful of ur choice of words, be that as it may u can not die when u wants cheers...

Zoya Zaidi
Past, history and present well interwiven.
xxx, Zoya

Love Knight
Real nice sequence of events. love the form. I love it. Real Detailed too.

This is such an awsome, descriptive poem. I love the relation that you bring between the past to yourself, to your present, to your life.