Scar Tissue

You know I'm in love with you.
It's apparent between every breath exhaling hesitation.
Between numbing fingers interlocked, and wringing knots out of conversation.
Between smiles meant to lie.

Sorry about that.

But seriously, it's not like it's a choice.

I've seen the way your jawline tightens.
I've seen the tension creep through your mind to poison your perspective.

And I've felt the fear of being trapped.
I've felt purpose torn from between the layers of my skin.
Maybe you can't see those scars, but they're why I'm ugly.

Escapism at its finest.

That must be why I'm in love with you

Poetry by Phill
Read 147 times
Written on 2023-01-13 at 12:11

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Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
I like the concept of this poem, and the way you have clearly given great thought to what appear to be simple observations and feelings. In so few words you disect a relationship with great skill. Well done.