Poem by Rose Hawthorne Lathrop (1851 - 1926)  

AKA Mother Mary Alphonsa 


Endless Resource


    New days are dear, and cannot be unloved,
    Though in deep grief we mourn, and cling to death;
    Who has not known, in living on, a breath
    Of infinite joy that has life's rapture proved?

    If I have thought that in this rainbow world
    The best we see was but a preface given
    Of infinite greater tints in heaven,
    And life or no, heaven yet would be unfurl'd, -

    I did belie the soul-wide joys of earth,
    And feelings deep as lights that dwell in seas.
    Can heaven itself outlove such depths as these?
    Live on! Life holds more than we dream of worth!



More information on Rose Hawthorne Lathrop 



Poetry by Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 230 times
Written on 2023-01-23 at 00:00

Tags American  19thcpoets 

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