Just musings at early morning




Cold and dark the morning comes

Prelude to a new wakening day

Painted with the  varied welcomes

By people I’ll meet along the way


My route this day is undefined

Errands chores and charges flow

Agendas driven more I find

Due to serendipity's easy tow 


The tapestry woven this lovely day

With skeins of well met vibrant  folk

Will be complete in time's own way

The weaver Chance the loom my yoke




Poetry by josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 119 times
Written on 2023-01-16 at 13:20

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Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
It's not often that I do this ,
Read this at least four times .
Gets better every time,
Had to look up skeins,
Incase I use it in a rhyme.