From my poetry book Flowers do speak.


Why do flowers wither?
Life for them is like a winter
circling. Never ends.
I have flowers as my friends.

Why the sky is always young?
Birds for its grace sung
this grey and lonely morning.
Sky is my eyes' learning.

Why do birds sing?
Is it a message for being
blessed with this earth.
How much we loose from death.

Why does sea cries?
I have a sea inside my eyes
that never sleeps.Only weeps.
Nature and I are so alike .

Read 233 times
Written on 2023-01-20 at 09:21

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D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
I liked the four lines stanzas, and the rhyme sequence; plus how you bring the imagery of nature into your own existence, a good poem Afrodite.

Only one query. The first line on the last stanza. Just my thought, but would you consider: 'Why do seas cry?'
