On the loss of a friend's life's companion

No comfort but perhaps an opportunity

There are no words for all the bitterness
you feel when your life’s best companion
finally has given up after a lifetime’s struggle
against the very worst and most inhuman illness,
while at the same time you must share her sense of ultimate relief
at being liberated, finally, from all those years of suffering.
It would be selfish to just miss her,
while it maybe would be wiser to maintain the contact
and just keep her entertained by your communication,
although you can’t know she would appreciate it
or even be aware of it; but since there is a chance,
however small, that your communion still could carry on
and that it might give her some pleasure on the other side,
it could be worth sustaining it;
your love could still go on
although on a completely different level,
which could even be worth finding and exploring.

Poetry by Christian Lanciai The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 159 times
Written on 2023-02-03 at 01:52

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Many geniuses are fighting against diseases,
Still certain diseases elude mankind easily,
Humanity has to accept it as fully inevitable,
Prayer alone is the one and only answer,
That will give the needed solace certainly,
A sad poem that gives disturbance to mind!