Oh perfect Day

In our garden, we sigh,
stretch aching limbs out,
our Adirondack chairs, side by side
as Moth, purrs between
dreaming of his
Bengal safari days
before Mama had her head swayed
and laid her soul for fish and comfort.

The beautiful blue of the sky,
the sweet stream that sings
and all is beautiful today,
it cannot be more perfect,
two loves, a companion and a dream
slightly salty in the heat
but still a remembrance of
when the world was round
and fair, and our eyes
were less crinkled in corners.

So here we grow and age
the canopy of leaves leave
speckles on our skin
like the woodpecker in the woods
such finery that he displays,
I remind myself to dress for dinner,
we shall have an apéritif,
sniff the early evening air
and share our memories and thougts,
three courses, well balanced
and then a well placed foot
that floats us up to heaven.

Poetry by Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 221 times
Written on 2023-04-11 at 11:28

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Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Loved this Elle.
So pleased to see your still posting,
Regards Alan

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
A pleasantly graceful description of a day spent gracefully.

Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
Good grief! This excellent poem just adds to the richness of poetic genius I have been reading this morning! I am almost overwhelmed with the barrage of images this and other pieces have instilled in my mind today. Brilliant, and so gentle, loving and fulfilling. Blessings, Allen