A sonnet by one who identifies as like an outcast in society and in life...


Like an outcast despised, I flee the heath;
devoid of friend and mirth, I trek this earth
and dwell alone from the time of my birth
almost from my first draw of infant's breath.

Unloved, without the world's shared shibboleth,
I am the face of tragedy, when hearth
and company's friendship withhold their worth,
closeness, esteem, and trust until my death.

But I still am loved by dear family,
and by my Rose, a blesséd gift from God;
whom, along with my oft-read poetry,
I treasure, honor, and so highly laud.
Though forever estranged in this country,
I still thus am glad like a frail seed in sod.

Sonnet by Ngoc Nguyen The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 133 times
Written on 2023-04-24 at 01:09

Tags Other  Outcast  Outsider 

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