Instruction from a Stream



Do you know a stream? Not some little crick,

But something that moves right along. 

I’m sorry if you don’t. Find one. Sit by it. Watch it. 

Consider its source: mountain snow, 

Floodplain, spring. Glory in its abundance. 

Compare the flow to the days of your life. 

It will sober. Better your thoughts drift 

(Write it!) like a leaf floating downstream 

Toward our planet’s munificence; that it could, 

And does, provide a gift so precious, so enduring. 

Sit and watch until worldly thoughts have ebbed. 

Go home to your family or your solitary room, 

Contemplate what it is that makes life flow richly, 

And if you find you don’t have it—get it.

Poetry by jim The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 89 times
Written on 2023-05-24 at 04:29

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arquious The PoetBay support member heart!
One boyhood thing done quite often enough, sitting atop a wooden bridge that bisects a family property and musing away a shady summer afternoon whilst pondering a fast flowing stream, not quite a river but designated so in maps, looking back so many decades later, has indeed enriched thought and life and considerations. Thanks for sharing.