Poem by Thomas Oldham (1816-1878)


Submitted by a Volunteer -- Thanks!

Epigram on hearing of the burning of Moscow


        May European Liberty
    In Moscow's flames her torch relume!
        And Gallic Tyranny
    In Moscow's ruins find a tomb!

        *     *     *     *     *

    Locke says the soul may slumber;
    Lavater says the soul is seen
        Reflected in the mien;
        The last assertion true,
        Proofs of the first we view
        In faces without number.



More information on Thomas Oldham 

Poetry by Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 153 times
Written on 2023-08-07 at 00:01

Tags Irish  Angloirish  Oldhamia 

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