Humans although seemingly evolved than other species are delusioned to think themselves superior yet in reality have gone down below levels of anything useful to universe

Human noise

Your children make noise
They shout like demons
From the very first
Trying to feed their hunger
Have you seen pigeons
Or doves pumping noise
As ye do to nature
What has set you thinking
That thee are smart?
What made ye delusional?
You killed species together
To feed thine insatiable hunger
Where did the saber tooth tiger go?
Where did those monkeys vanish
You bulldoze niches of creatures
What gave you that right?
Oh ye kill thine own people
What shall I call thee?
Zombies or humans added
Called hombies

Poetry by MIRZA AHMER BEG The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 147 times
Written on 2023-08-04 at 15:56

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is the brain full of noises,
could we hear the silence then ?
we kill species just to plant food for animals
we feed others to eat them
we never apologize