Poem by Alice Meynell née Thompson  (1847-1922)


Submitted by a Volunteer -- Thanks!

A Poet's Wife




    I saw a tract of ocean locked in-land
        Within a field's embrace -
    The very sea! Afar it fled the strand
        And gave the seasons chase,
    And met the night alone, the tempest spanned,
        Saw sunrise face to face.

    O Poet, more than ocean, lonelier!
        In inaccessible rest
    And storm remote, thou, sea of thoughts, dost stir,
        Scattered through east to west, -
    Now, while thou closest with the kiss of her
        Who locks thee to her breast.


More information on Alice Meynell

Poetry by Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 185 times
Written on 2023-08-21 at 04:14

Tags British  Suffragist  Catholic 

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