We know, know how a shattered thought bit us:
That to life dragged will here be thrashed.

(Now owning the last torn down lifeline.)

Weakening down, defying that weakness is death.

These are tangled years
where the wishing doesn’t reach down to matter;
wrecked frozen unripe buds
where needs don’t manage to reach up to any will
from the fallow; the growth lands,
there lust rarely tricks itself grown above loathing.

(In front of hurtfilled opened eyes to realities
burns a cold indifference down inside; through us:
Dumbness of The Worlds in all its swathing wholeness.)

Viet, The New Time, taking year after year,
where blow upon blow sets the boundaries of the helpless
and harshly hits any survival with swath after swath

(This world where thinking has stayed in death
and the rotten parts of wholeness are to be cured;
leaving a new unity worthy of our lives.)

Righting here this world’s flat and foul opinions.

Life, awaken to be sharply lived with the Rights
teach that all rot inside came from outer affront
and finding no value in murdered sufficiency

Shaping Midgard’s holds and leaving all emptiness.

Poetry by 1 SIGFRIDSSON The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 156 times
Written on 2023-09-10 at 15:15

Tags Death  Life  Midgard 

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