“But say, wouldn’t you let dumbness amuse,
be fooled to lack responsibility for yourself
and be struck dead for the rest of your life
like others? Like a normal funny farm being.”

Seating myself sternly down and answering:

Find here your hardest eye-meeting.

Misled, into qualm and anguish thrown,
stuffed yourself thrall-bound with all that is indigestible.

Do you know that every dumb thing gets your applause,
but scum’s trash is all that scum will beget in return?

Searching inside after something called nothing to express?
Wrapping thoughtlessness around deranged and led opinions?
Foolishly smiling indulgently when impropriety and foulness appear?

Your turbid thoughts now cling after some doubt
in a strained smile fooled away from sanity,
so consider that weak-hearted is wrong
and filth always did harden your ugliness.

You have already enough to suffer from;
that thoughts are counted as your deeds’ freedom
and that need would strengthen or break down,
but it will become an insight of an inner unchanged.

Our foes construct barriers against the Life we do own,
setting in and leading your undignified wrong choices,
wrapping steadfast rotten meek in your “free will’s causes”,
twisting wishful thinking and gnawing down all will and lust,
axing onward your “self-deception” at our lives expenses
there “open-minded” will quickest possible be very shallow
when “acceptance” means to be carved with the defects of others.

It is certain that your inner and outer blemishes are laid brickwork.

Cry my tears for a while,
but now carefully note that you are the cause.

Poetry by 1 SIGFRIDSSON The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 139 times
Written on 2023-09-13 at 21:18

Tags Dumb  Filth  Cause 

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