Want to save this moment from escaping,
for it is irreplaceable ― irresistible ―
almost unsparingly fair ― undefiled

Calmed, by misplaced sun warmth
(the betraying), to take myself a freod filled moment

(Wholly and fully as a dumb animal who right away,
instantly forgets, when a little heat reaches to look in.)

Trees, continuing the raining, in a well-aimed loan
compounded with sighing, home to its certainty

Woods, slayed again on its leaves, on its flowers and straws,
molded to clouds and soils service in a secret

There was something well-known…
about all this helpless nuisance,
this here too barren established;
that Life become Death’s only joke
returning to soon be the lost

And while burdened steps cry away the dust of the road
the pouring rain fills an already overfilled water keg

Poetry by 1 SIGFRIDSSON The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 150 times
Written on 2023-09-17 at 19:42

Tags Life  Death  Time 

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