question of life ,what am i ,a particle going through vast space or do i really make a difference

from here where do i go?

stars above me uncountable
mountains big and lofty
seas roaring upto beaches
i was borne
grew up ,
walked through your earth
i had friends a lot
now i have all lost
your universe my God
sometimes makes me everything
sometimes obsolete

Poetry by MIRZA AHMER BEG The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 91 times
Written on 2023-09-19 at 15:27

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Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
I actually think this is a beautiful poem. So heartfelt, and coming from a very deep, deep place. It is also reverent - if you want to see it that way.
Blessings, Allen

yes, we live in many empty spaces, only our voices sometimes fill in